Last Light

Artist: Carolyn Heffelfinger
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Sized: 6"x6"


   This small painting was from my thoughts of a sunset over the dunes by the Atlantic.
I love the way the brush works show in the photograph.  Its said there is a green flash right at the moment the sun dips below the horizon. I keep watching for it.

The Mud Flats

Artist: Carolyn Heffelfinger
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Size:  10"x10"
Price: $400.

"The Mud Flats" is a favorite local restaurant and watering hole for the area fisherman and golfers.  Pretty good food as well!  They feature live music on several night a week.
(this is not an advertisement)  When the owner Martin saw some of my interior scenes he asked to purchase two for his place and then I decided paint a scene from his bar.

Trail to the Cave

Artist: Carolyn Heffelfinger
Medium: Oil on canvas
Size: 36"x48"


In the Fall I had to deliver a painting to southern Ohio and we stayed in a cabin in the area.
In the morning I took a trail called Cave Trail and was awed by the way the light filtered through the trees in the forest.   This painting won Best of Show over many entries at the Cultural Arts Center in Delaware.

Dog and his Boy

Artist:  Carolyn Heffelfinger
Medium: Oil on canvas
Size:  24"x 36"

Izzy our golden retriever is always so excited to go down to play in our creek. It was the perfect summer day for my grandson Harrison and her to do some stone skipping while cooling off.
I think i captured the distance and mood of the day.